Time for a Reboot
blog post Leks Drakos blog post Leks Drakos

Time for a Reboot

The surest way to get me to do something is to tell me it can’t be done.

The idea for “Pick the Pitch” came from Scott King’s The 5 Day Novel. Somewhere in there, he says something along the lines of it being something that shouldn’t really be done.

You threw down the gauntlet there, Scott.

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Sometimes Life Kicks You In the Ass
blog post Leks Drakos blog post Leks Drakos

Sometimes Life Kicks You In the Ass

Sometimes life kicks you in the ass. It really does. When that happens, there’s a temptation to just pack it all in and ask yourself, “Why did I ever think I could do this in the first place?” It’s a reasonable question, but generally not a fair one. It’s a question that hinges on comparing yourself to someone else. That never turns out well.

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Day Zero: Setup
blog post Leks Drakos blog post Leks Drakos

Day Zero: Setup

What happens when you combine an experimental writer, a traditional genre chosen by TikTok, and a plot generated by ChatGPT? We have no idea but it's gonna be interesting!

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